i told myself a hundred times..that this isnt my fault..but you make every single moment..feel just like that..

but the fact is..it isnt my fault.

i tried many times to just let go..

but this time, somehow..i feel like i am entitled to throw a tantrum..

simply..cos i know you SHOULD come and coax me..

but do you?

no, you don’t..

someone commented that you are a liability..

and to me, you wouldnt be..if you would just try to understand things beyond your perspective..

life isnt just about you and what you have been through..

it is alot more than that..

i know comparing to others..

you have seen, heard, experience..SO SO SO much more..

and i admire you for that..

but at the same time..

i have also seen, heard, experienced a lot too..

but have u tried to come to way i am..

maybe i am the immature one, the one that does not know the world..

then bring me to where you are..

but no.

all i get is some form of relinquished responsibility..


a cant be bothered-ness..

and it kills me inside..

cos i try to make conversation…(when i am supposed to be the rightful one throwing the tantrum)

but you don’t..

but who am i to complain..

i am..


i just feel so unjustified..

i cannot be normal nor someone who can be loved by you.

even when i am unreasonable (which i was not).